8.45 Registration
9.00 Welcome to the Seminar, Professor Markus Rautiainen, Tampere University Hospital
Session I: Tongue-tie, function and dysfuction, chairman, Argyro Bizaki-Vallaskangas
9.10 Things we must always remember about function, Dr Eyal Botzer, Tel Aviv, Sourasky Medical center
9.20 About tethered oral tissues: History and the effect of tethered oral tissue, Controversy, Definition, Classification and Scientific evidence, Dr. Eyal Botzer
10.00 Lip-Tie, Eyal Botzer
10.30 Coffee break
Session II: Breastfeeding, speech development and torticollis, chairman Outi Tammela
10.45 Is it the tongue or the breast , Meri Haahtela IBCLC, Midwife
11.00 Torticollis and breastfeeding difficulties, Hanna Vitikka, Physiotherapist
11.20 Can tongue-tie affect negatively speech development? Katja Koski, speech thearapist
11.40 Tongue-Tie and Breastfeeding, Eyal Botzer
Session III: Tongue-tie and its treatment, chairman Argyro Bizaki-Vallaskangas
12.00 Treatment options, Eyal Botzer
12.20 Operation Technique: Assessment, Tools, Positioning and Anesthesia
13.00 Lunch break – Arvo building restaurant
14.00 Live demonstrations, Mikko Lehtonen and Eyal Botzer
15.00 Coffee break
Session IV: Tongue-tie treatment: Can it be of any harm? chairman Mervi Starck
15.30 Videos & Cases, Dr Eyal Botzer
16.00 Complications, Eyal Botzer
16.20 Post-surgical aftercare, Eyal Botzer